23 August, 2009

Tugu Church

Tugu Church is located at Jalan Raya Tugu No. 20, Koja, North Jakarta. The construction was commenced in 1747 by a landlord Julius Vink, who built a large land in Cilincing area as a substitute of the church destroyed in 1740 during the Chinese mutiny in Batavia. The church was designed for the slaves who gained freedom (Mardijkers). The restoration region of the Pillar was located in the Semper District, Kecamatan Cilincing, Jakarta Utara. This region had the important meaning for the history of the Jakarta City, especially because of being the settlement of Portuguese and his descendants since the 18 century up to now. Since long ago the famous pillar because of music Keroncong and his old church that was built in 1744.

At this time although the area of the Pillar developed in line with the change in the Jakarta city, but the characteristics of the Pillar as the settlement of Portuguese still visible clear. To maintain this historic region the Government of the Special Capital District of Jakarta province maintained the area of the Pillar as the area that was protected. Then therefore, all the actions took the form of the demolition, reform and the transfer of buildings and all the objects that were on this land only could be carried out with a Governor's permission of Capital District OF Jakarta.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata)"

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