22 August, 2009

Pasar Baru Post Office Building

The Post and the Credit Transfer is located at Jalan Pos No. 1, Pasar Baru, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta. Built in around the middle of the 19th century and was the first Post Office in Jakarta. At the upper part of the building a “PTT” writing stands for “Post Telegraph Telephone”. The designation for a PTT building lasted until the early years of the Indonesia independence.

During the physical revolution the name of this office was changed into Post and Telegraph Office of Pasar Baru and the commonly know as Post and Cable Office of Pasar Baru. In 1963 this building name Capital City Post Building or Post Office of Jakarta Raya Capital City. On 23 November 1961 Post Credit Transfer and Cheques Office was established with its office in this building until today bearing the name of Post and Credit Transfer Office of Jakarta.

The specific Dutch architecture is clearly seeRata Penuhn at its recess and decorative glasses at the front part the building. At a glance it looks like the building of the Railway Station of Jakarta Kota. The roof is made of iron sheeting support by flat iron posts, making a high curve shape like Railway Station platform. In totality, this building did not experience any physical changes and is still very strong. The front part the building is elevated; it is now used as Telegraph Office of Pasar Baru.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata)"

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