13 August, 2009

Onrust Island

The Onrust Island and three other close island, namely the Kelor Island, Pulau Cipir (Kahyangan) and the Sakit Island (Bidadari) was part of the Thousand Islands group that was located in Jakarta gulf waters. After VOC Netherlands had the power in 1619, the Onrust Island and surrounding area ware made the foremost defence post to protect the Batavia city (Jakarta).

This Onrust Island fortification was destroyed during 1800 resulting from the english attack. Afterwards was built again in 1840 as the naval base, but was again destroyed during 1883 when the tidal wave resulting from the eruption of the Krakatau mountain happening these islands were neglected more than a quarter of the century. Just was built again in 1911, but his function and no longger as the place of the defence but as the pilgrim's quarantine. The existence of this history received quite big attention from the Special Capital Distric of Jakarta Goverment.

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