14 August, 2009

Bank of Indonesia Museum

Bank Indonesia was design by architects Hulsurt and Cuypers and built in 1909, located at Jalan Pintu Besar Utara No. 3. The building occupies one block, the groundplan view of the building has specific symmetric classic style with main view and two flanking wings.

The main building is flanked by two towers, the pillars have classic Corinthian motif with Acanthus leaved. The pillars ignore motif of plastic pillars, but linking the wall motif and frame and cleary expressed capital of parapets around the building no longger used bottle-type or square frame but using rosters, and these parapets are provided with pediments and dormer-type or square frame but using rosters, and these parapets are provided with pediments and dormer-windows. The roof provided with wooden ridge printed in white. Bank of Indonesia has its origin from NV de Javasche Bank, a dutch private Bank which obtained chartered right to act as a central bank and circulated in the Netherland Indies (1928).

Through the Goverment Decision No.118/1951. a committee for nationalization of the De Javasche Bank was estabilished, later law No. 24/1957 of 6 december 1957. The position of president was in the hand of Mr.Syafrudin Prawiranagara. Through Law No.11/1953, "NV De Javasche Bank" was replaced by "Bank of Indonesia" and all of its shares were owned by the Goverment of the Republic Indonesia.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Goverment Tourism Office)"

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