23 August, 2009

Al-Alam Mosque of Marunda

This mosque is located in Marunda, Cilincing, North Jakarta. It was built in early 17th century by the Mataram troops when they attack Batavia, and made Marundas their military base. This mosque was renovated as it is now with plain materials. The construction of the main pillars as they appear now, was developed work made in around 18th century. The architectural style of this mosque is a mixture of traditional Indonesian, Moor and European design with a square ground-plan divided into 4 (four) parts of rooms; main room, presenting room, mihrab (niche) and a stage. The main pillars functioning as support for the roof are four in number and there are another two pseudo pillars standing against the wall next to the mihrab and the stage.

At the lower parts of the main pillars, there is a square stand each. The pillars are of column types which capital on top. In general the columns serving as pillars are of European (colonial) style. The windows of the main room represent the same shape and size with thick frame with wooden trellis. Every window has five trellises with the same shape and size. The ventilation of the southern of the main room and the all of the mihrab are made of ceramics. The ventilation consist of two parts, each is of 20 x 20 cm with tulip motif.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"


Al-Anwar Mosque

This old “Al-Anwar” Mosque located at Jalan Tubagus Angke, Gang Mesjid No. 1, West Jakarta. It was built in 1761 in the former village of Moslem Balinese therefore at the mosque construction people can see the influence of Balinese architecture, like the curving parts of the roof. People can also notice the Arabian, Javanese, Chinese and European/ Dutch influence on the architectural design.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"


Luar Batang Mosque

This mosque is located in Luar Batang area, Penjaringan North Jakarta, built in 1739 by Sayid Husein Abubakar Alaydrus. Originally it was only “musholla” (a small building for performing religious duties) and a place for “pengajian”. Besides the mosque building, there is a holy resting place of the founder of the mosque who died on 29th Ramadhan 1169 H or 24th June 1756. Previously the grave was at the side of the musholla then due to the construction and extension of the mosque it laid inside the mosque of Luar Batang. The mosque has a basic square ground-plan, supported by pillars with roof that characterized an old building.

The mosque space had several times of extension, including the mihrab, a pulpit that moved a few meters from the original position. The main pillars that support the roof is still the original ones; the ceiling of the main room has its original design which had crosswise beams colored light green. The Kaputan Room is located in the north which had two doors in the front and two doors in the rear. On the above of the doors and windows there are glass windows that had checkered bars, like the ones found in the
Archive Building, Jalan Hayam Wuruk and the Chinese Temple at Jalan Lautze.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

Al-Azhar Mosque

The great mosque of Al-Azhar is located at Jalan Sisingamangaraja XII No. 12, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. This mosque was built in 1953-1958. The idea of construction this mosque was initiated by Buya Hamka and the funding came from the Moslems in Jakarta on their own. The design of this mosque is the mixture between the architecture design of Hija Mosque (Saudi Arabia) and Qibtiyah Mosque (Egypt). The presence of this mosque is very harmonious with the environment of Kebayoran Baru. It is the centre of Islamic proselytizing in Jakarta which was supported by great ulama like Buya Hamka. In this mosque anti communist power building was also conducted for destroying the PKI and its followers in 1965-1966.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

Istiqlal Mosque

Istiqlal Mosque is located at Jalan Pintu Air, Central Jakarta. The name “Istiqlal” means freedom, and built on top of Dutch’s fort ruins. The idea of this great mosque coming from KH. Wahid Hasyim, a Minister of Religious Affairs in Soekarno’s era. The architect of this project is Frederick Silaban and built on August 24, 1961. Because of “Gestapu” (Gerakan Tiga Puluh September or G30S PKI) and economic crisis, this mosque had not finished yet as wee see in the present time.

Then Soeharto, the president after Soekarno, took-over the development of this mosque. Finished at 1978, it became an icon of Indonesia and also proclaimed as the biggest mosque in South East Asia at that moment.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

Cikini Hospital

Cikini hospital was built in the 19th century and it was the residence of the well known painter Raden Saleh. The style of the building is a mixing between the Moor (Arab) and Gothic (European). The Moor architecture of the building is notable at the balustrade of the front part of the upper gallery, the perfect shape of the arch of main door and the other decorative arcades. The Gothic style, the element is strongly notable at the windows, shaping a sharp arch. Other elements like Portico (gallery supported by pillars and wall arcades) tend to be classical.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital

Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital is located at Jalan Diponegoro No. 71, Central Jakarta. The building was built in around 1919 until 1926 with European architectural design. At first, the name of the hospital was Central Burgerlijke Zieekenninriching and commonly known as CBZ. Now the hospital status is Central Public Hospital (RSUP/RSCM). The historical aspect of the hospital is the health concern from the colonial government especially towards the natives.

On the other side, this hospital also provided opportunities for the Indonesian to become health experts and gave chance to the growth of Indonesian educated people that finally supported the National Movement (Indonesian Independence). One of the experts was Dokter Cipto Mangunkusumo whose name was used as the name of the hospital.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

Tugu Church

Tugu Church is located at Jalan Raya Tugu No. 20, Koja, North Jakarta. The construction was commenced in 1747 by a landlord Julius Vink, who built a large land in Cilincing area as a substitute of the church destroyed in 1740 during the Chinese mutiny in Batavia. The church was designed for the slaves who gained freedom (Mardijkers). The restoration region of the Pillar was located in the Semper District, Kecamatan Cilincing, Jakarta Utara. This region had the important meaning for the history of the Jakarta City, especially because of being the settlement of Portuguese and his descendants since the 18 century up to now. Since long ago the famous pillar because of music Keroncong and his old church that was built in 1744.

At this time although the area of the Pillar developed in line with the change in the Jakarta city, but the characteristics of the Pillar as the settlement of Portuguese still visible clear. To maintain this historic region the Government of the Special Capital District of Jakarta province maintained the area of the Pillar as the area that was protected. Then therefore, all the actions took the form of the demolition, reform and the transfer of buildings and all the objects that were on this land only could be carried out with a Governor's permission of Capital District OF Jakarta.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata)"

Cathedral Church

Cathedral Church is located at Jalan Katedral No. 7, Central Jakarta. The real name is Saint Mary Church and has been built 2 times in Gothic style. Cathedral I is situated at Weltervreden and baptized at February 1810 by Monsignour Nelissen and father of Saint Lodovicus. In 1826, this church was burned into ashes. Then Cathedral II was established on February 1830, baptized by Monsignour Prinsen in the name of Saint May.

The location is the same as Saint Mary Church at this present time. In 1882, added two towers in the front of the church. But again, the beautiful church became ruins on May 1890. In 1891, a new church was built “a Cathedral” but stopped on January 16, 1898 the construction was continued. On April 21, 1901 the church was officially opened with best oral of blessing by Bishop E. S. Luypen.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

22 August, 2009

Si Pitung’s House

Si Pitung’s House or commonly named “Tall House of Marunda”, is located in the area of Marunda Island, Cilincing, North Jakarta. It was built in the early days of the 20th century. At that time the owner was called H. Syafiuddin, a “sero” businessman. Later, according to local people, Si Pitung robbed this house. The building which is dominated by wooden frame, supported by 40 wooden pillars, has 10 sets of windows, 4 sets of doors, 2 wooden stairs (front and rears) and wooden floor. It has a Bugese architectural design referring to a Phinisi boat shaves. This kind of house-shape is culture of coastal community in building their house using stage construction, to avoid danger of heavy waves often rolling on shore.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata)"

Proclamation Building Yard Compound

This compound is located at Jalan Proklamasi No. 56, Menteng, Central Jakarta, which was previously called Jalan Pegangsaan Timur No. 56. The monumental historical aspect of this location is that the independence of the Republic of Indonesia proclaimed here on August 17, 1945 at 10.00 hours, Java time. Originally this yard compound was the yard of the residence of Ir. Soekarno, the first President of Republic of Indonesia, which was selected to be the venue for proclaiming the independence of the Republic. This location has become very important for the younger generation in tracing back the history of the founding fathers of the State of Indonesia.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata)"

Pasar Baru Post Office Building

The Post and the Credit Transfer is located at Jalan Pos No. 1, Pasar Baru, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta. Built in around the middle of the 19th century and was the first Post Office in Jakarta. At the upper part of the building a “PTT” writing stands for “Post Telegraph Telephone”. The designation for a PTT building lasted until the early years of the Indonesia independence.

During the physical revolution the name of this office was changed into Post and Telegraph Office of Pasar Baru and the commonly know as Post and Cable Office of Pasar Baru. In 1963 this building name Capital City Post Building or Post Office of Jakarta Raya Capital City. On 23 November 1961 Post Credit Transfer and Cheques Office was established with its office in this building until today bearing the name of Post and Credit Transfer Office of Jakarta.

The specific Dutch architecture is clearly seeRata Penuhn at its recess and decorative glasses at the front part the building. At a glance it looks like the building of the Railway Station of Jakarta Kota. The roof is made of iron sheeting support by flat iron posts, making a high curve shape like Railway Station platform. In totality, this building did not experience any physical changes and is still very strong. The front part the building is elevated; it is now used as Telegraph Office of Pasar Baru.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata)"


Palang Building Compound

The compound of the Palang Building is located at Jalan Kakap No. 1-3, Penjaringan, North Jakarta (previously called Werfstraat). The Building has European architecture design, with construction of a mixture between brick pillars and wooden beams, built in 17th century. The original function of the building was as shipyard and for controlling the incoming and outgoing ship to Kali Besar. Historically this building is a remnant of heritage of the old days that still functioned. Its presence also contribute to track the history of Jakarta, also has a determining function for the trade activities of the VOC (Dutch East Indies Company), especially sailing/harbor activities in Jakarta.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata)"

Jakarta Arts Building

The initial construction was commenced in 1811 by Governor General Daendels. During Raffles Administration, this building was used as a performance building under the name of Sisitsu Gekizyoo and was made by Indonesian artists like Usmar Ismail, Rosihan Anwar and HB. Yasin for organizing drama performances, music, opera and etc who venue.

In 1951-1957, this building was used for faculty of economy and faculty of law of the University of Indonesia. Following Letter of Decision of the Governor of the DKI Jakarta No. 24/1984, the function of this building was restored to be the “Art Building”. Jakarta ArtsBuilding is located at Jalan Gedung Kesenian No.1, Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta. It was built for staging cultural performance.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata)"

City Hall

City Hall is located at Jalan Merdeka Selatan and built in 19th century with Tuscan architecture style. At first it was used for residence of mayor and also used as the office for administrational activities of Jakarta. Later it was fully used as the City Hall, after the official residence of the mayor was finally built at Jalan Suropati No. 7, Central Jakarta. During the administration of mayor Soediro, the office of the City Hall was expanded by the construction of building No. 8. It means that the City Hall of DKI Jakarta in 1945 occupied two buildings named Jalan Merdeka Selatan 8-9.
The administrational and organizational activities of Jakarta Government have been steadily growing especially since the birth of the New Order, making the activities of administration impossible to be carried out in these two buildings. Therefore it was necessary to build another building for expanding the City Hall. During the administration of Governor Ali Sadikin, the City Hall was expanded by constructing new building with modern architecture, equipped with complete office facilities. The second construction was built from 1968 to 1972.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata)"

Textile Museum

Textile Museum is located at Jalan KS. Tubun No. 4, West Jakarta, owned by Frenchman and built in the 19th century. Later it was sold to Abdul Aziz Mussawi Al Katiri, the Turkish Consul in Batavia. In 1929 the building was handed over to the family as a legacy.

In 1947 the mansion was owned by Lie Sion Pin who rented it to the Department of Social Affairs which modified it into an institution for aged people. In 1952 the Department of Social Affairs bought the mansion and used it as an office. The inauguration of the use of being Textile Museum by the late Madame Tien Suharto was 28 June 1976. The building itself was at first a private home of a Frenchman built in the 19th century. Then it was purchased by Turkish Consul Abdul Aziz Al Mussawi Katiri who settled in Indonesia. Further in 1942 it was sold to Dr. Karel Christian Cruq. During the Struggle for independence of Indonesia, this building was made quarter of the people s Security Force and in 1974 it was occupied by Lie Sion Pin. On October 25, 1975, the Department handed it over to the Provincial Government of Jakarta which converted it into a Textile Museum. The collection consists of variety of textiles from throughout the archipelago such as batik, tie dye ikat, colorful songket, intricate woven with silver or gold threads and many more.

Jl. KS Tubun No. 4 West Jakarta Ph.:62-21 560 6613
Open : Tuesday – Sunday : 08.00 am – 03.00 pm
Closed : Monday/Public holiday

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata)"


National Awakening Museum

National Awakening Museum is located at Jalan Abdul Rachman Saleh No. 26, Senen, Central Jakarta. It has neoclassic architectural design, built between 1899 and 1902. It was designed for educational purposes of the Stovia (School Tot Opleiding Van Inlandsche Artsen) – a Physicians Educator for the natives. The historic aspect of this museum is that a native modern organization “Boedi Oetomo” was established here on 20th May 1908 which later declared as Indonesian National Awakening Day. Many of the Stovia students later became prominent figures of the Indonesian nation movement like Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Dr. Sutomo, Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Dr. Setiabudi Danudirdjo (Douwes Dekker) and other.

Jl. Abdul Rachman Saleh No. 26 Senen, Central Jakarta
Ph.: 62-21 384 7975
Open : Tuesday – Friday : 09.00 am – 03.00 pm • Saturday/Sunday 09.00 am – 02.00 pm
Closed : Monday/Public holiday

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata)"


19 August, 2009

National Archives Building

National Archives Building is located at Jalan Gajah Mada No. 111, West Jakarta. This large and glorious building with specific architectural design has become an outstanding building among the new buildings that stand along Jalan Gajah Mada. This old and antique building was built by Reinier de Klerk 1760. After several changes of owners, in around 1819 it was finally taken over by Leender Miero, a very rich. Then to avoid from destruction, this building was taken over by the Dutch Government in 1900 for a long period of time and used for office of the Department of Mining. In 1925 this building was used for an Archives Building by both the Netherlands-Indies Government and (later) by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics

Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics is located at Jalan Taman Fatahillah No. 2, West Jakarta. This antique building with tall columns of Roman style formerly housed the Raad Van Justitie (High Court of Justice) during the Dutch administration, established since January 21, 1870. Collections include a self-portrait of the famous painter Raden Saleh, as well as paintings by modern-day masters including those of Sudjojono, Affandi, Zaini, Dullah and Basuki Abdullah. There are plenty of ceramic collections in this museum, consist of local and also foriegn ceramic. The local ceramic comes from Aceh, Medan, Palembang, Lampung, Jakarta, Bandung, Purwakarta, Yogyakarta, Malang, Bali, Lombok, etc. This Museum has also Majapahit ceramic from the 14th century, which show beatiful extraordinary characteristic and have history value with various shapes and functions. The foreign ceramic of various shapes, characteristics, functions, and styles were from China, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Dutch, Germany and Middle East.
The greatest numbers are from China, especially from Ching and Ming Dinasty. The museum also houses the valuable Adam Malik collection of rare ceramics and porcelains.

Jl. Pos Kota No. 2 West Jakarta Ph.: 62-21 692 6090
Open : Tuesday – Sunday : 09.00 am – 03.00 pm

Closed : Monday/Public holiday

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

The 45 Struggle for Independence Museum

The 45 Struggle for Independence Museum is located at Jalan Menteng No. 31, Central Jakarta. It was built by L.C. Schomper in 1939 as a hotel called “Hotel Schomper”. At first this hotel was used as a place for the Dutch and Indonesian officers to relax. At that time this hotel was one of the most luxurious hotels in Jakarta, with 6 bedrooms and had luxurious interior. During Japanese era in Indonesia, this building was used as “Sendenbu” headquarters or Japanese Department Service. Since July 1924 it was used as education place for Indonesian Youth that pioneered by the Japanese to help and support Japanese government in Indonesia. Because there were many Indonesian Youth who was trained and stayed here, this building was then known as “Asrama Angkatan Baru Indonesia” (The Indonesian New Generation Dormitory). From this dorm, one of the Indonesian Youth group was born named “Pemuda Banteng” (Fortress Youth), a gathering of Indonesian Young Generation who became significant figures that led to the birth of the Republic of Indonesia.

Jl. Menteng No. 31 Central Jakarta

Ph.: 62-21 390 9148

Open : Tuesday – Sunday : 09.00 am – 03.00 pm

Closed : Monday/Public holiday

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"


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National Museum

The Indonesian National Museum is located at Jalan. Medan Merdeka Barat No.12, Central Jakarta near of Merdeka Square. It offers historical, prehistorically, archaelogical and ethnographic aspects of Indonesia through its extensive collection of artifacts and relics which date as far back as to the Stone Age. It has one of the most complete collections of bronzes and ceramics dating back to the Han, Tang and Ming Dynasties. The museum has one of the finest numismatic collections in the world.

Currently the Museum National houses collections of 109.342 objects under the categories of prehistory, archaeology, ethnography, numismatic-heraldic, geography and historical relics. The religious art section is filled with statues and sculpture salvaged from sites of Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic edifices. Its collection of cultural instruments, household utensils, arts and crafts provides an introduction to the life of the various ethnic groups which populate Indonesia. This museum is populary known as Gedung Gajah or “Elephant Building” because the elephant’s stone offered by King Chulalongkorn of Thailand in 1871 placed on the front lawn of the building. They offer two type of service; Consulting and Conservation & service, Gift Shop and Parking lot were available. Provide tours which conduct by The Indonesian Heritage Society in several languages.

Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No.12 Central Jakarta

Ph : 62-21 381 2346

Open : Tuesday – Sunday : 08.30am – 02.30pm

Closed : Monday /Public holiday

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"


18 August, 2009

Shadow Puppet Museum

The Shadow Puppet Museum located at Jalan Pintu Besar Utara No. 27. This museum is situated to the west of the Jakarta History Museum. It was originally a chruch, built in 1640, and called Oude Hollandsche Kerk (Old Dutch Church). In 1730 it was rebuilt and given a new name "Nieuwe Hollandsche Kerk" (New Dutch Church). The building was then destroyed by an earthquake. The remnants of the building were totally demolished upon instruction of Governor General Deandles. Shadow puppet (commonly known as wayang) in Indonesia, especially on Java Island, was originally a product of the Royal Court culture.
It was first used as an instrument of worship to the ancestors, and after the Hindu culture entered Indonesia in around the 5th century, it developed shifting of values. The congregation consistent of high functionaries and their families and continued to function as a church until 1808. The building as it appears today is the one that was built in 1912, as a store house owened by Geo Webry. In 1939 the building was bought by the Bataviaschee Gnootschap Van Kunstenen en Wetenschappen
(Batavia Arts and Science Institute). An institusion with dealt with science and culture.

Jl. Pintu Besar Utara No. 27 West Jakarta Ph : 62-21 692 9560 Open : Tuesday - Sunday : 09.00 am - 03.00 pm Closed : Monday / Public holiday

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

Intan City Bridge

Intan City Bridge is located at Jalan Nelayan Barat, West Jakarta. It's the old bridge in Jakarta that has a large role in the development of history of the city. It had changed its name several times before it was called Jembatan Kota Intan according to the era. Originally in 1628 this bridge was built under the name of
"Engelse Brug" (English Bridge), because it connected the Dutch fortress that lay opposite each other, bordered by Ciliwung River. In 1628 and 1629 there was an attack from Banten and Mataram againts the fortress Betawi causing damage on this bridge.

But it was rebuilt by the Dutch in 1630, and on that time it was known as "Jembatan Pasar Ayam" (Chicken Market Bridge). In 1655 this bridge was again reconstructed and named "Het Middelpunt Brug"
(The Center Bridge). In April 1938 it became a drawbridge that can be lifted for boat traffic and for preventing from the flood that happen often. Nevertheless, the snape and style were unchanged, but the name was become "Juliana-Bernhard". After the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence, its name was changed into "
Jembatan Kota Intan", suitable to local position.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Goverment Tourism Office)"

17 August, 2009

Red Shop Building

Red shop building is located at Jalan Kali Besar No. 7, West Jakarta. It was built in 1730 and was the residence of Governor General Van Imhoff (1705-1750). Previously this building was called Hoofd Kantoor Jacobons/PN, Setia Negara. The name "Toko Merah" was given after the color of the building interior, which major part, are red with the carving also in red. The construction consists of two building, and had saveral changes of owner like the son of Governor General Mossel, called Philippine Theodore Mossel, then to the windows of Governor General Reiner de Klerk and of Van der Parra. In 1743 - 1755 it was Naval Academy and in 1787-1808 it was the Guest House for officials. Before World War II these two building were renovated by the Bank Voor Indie and later it became an office.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

14 August, 2009

Bank of Indonesia Museum

Bank Indonesia was design by architects Hulsurt and Cuypers and built in 1909, located at Jalan Pintu Besar Utara No. 3. The building occupies one block, the groundplan view of the building has specific symmetric classic style with main view and two flanking wings.

The main building is flanked by two towers, the pillars have classic Corinthian motif with Acanthus leaved. The pillars ignore motif of plastic pillars, but linking the wall motif and frame and cleary expressed capital of parapets around the building no longger used bottle-type or square frame but using rosters, and these parapets are provided with pediments and dormer-type or square frame but using rosters, and these parapets are provided with pediments and dormer-windows. The roof provided with wooden ridge printed in white. Bank of Indonesia has its origin from NV de Javasche Bank, a dutch private Bank which obtained chartered right to act as a central bank and circulated in the Netherland Indies (1928).

Through the Goverment Decision No.118/1951. a committee for nationalization of the De Javasche Bank was estabilished, later law No. 24/1957 of 6 december 1957. The position of president was in the hand of Mr.Syafrudin Prawiranagara. Through Law No.11/1953, "NV De Javasche Bank" was replaced by "Bank of Indonesia" and all of its shares were owned by the Goverment of the Republic Indonesia.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Goverment Tourism Office)"

13 August, 2009

Jakarta History Museum

This museum is located at Jalan Taman Fatahillah No. 1, in down town Jakarta and it is the oldest building in Jakarta. This building was originally used as Town Hall of Batavia, which was built and inaugurated in 1710. At first, actifities in this building besides dealing with government affairs , also dealt with marriage, judical and trade affairs, making people in the past know it as "Speaking Building". After Indonesia gained its independence, the building was once used as Quarter of Military District 0503 of West Jakarta. Approaching 1970, it was preserved by Jakarta City Government and on April 4, 1974 it was officially made Museum of History of Jakarta.
The museum features the historical development of the city, using a display of various kinds of furniture, chinaware, a map of Jakarta from the 18th century, portraits of Batavia's Governor General, European porcelains used by them, stoneware, old gravestones, kitchen utensils, coins, etc. There are among other, the replica of the Tugu Inscription from the age of Great King Purnawarman, forming evidence that the centre of the Kingdom of Tarumanegara was located in around the seaport of Tanjung Priok. Further, the historical evidence of the age of Sunda Kelapa harbour is represented by a map of the 16th century and the replica of the Padrao monument of the Portuguese. At the periode of Jayakarta, and the beginning of the establishment of the City the Bronze cannon and through various drawings and maps of the 17th century. Collection of furniture of Betawi style from the 17th, 18th, and 19th century is the richest collection and belongs to the most complete one in the world. This collection is very intereting since it's reflects the association of the community of the City of Batavia with various cultural elements from Europe, especially Dutch, China, India and Indonesia.
Is in front of the museum with an inscription in Latin reading Ex Me lpsa Renata Sum
(I am reborn from myself). Its exact origin is not known but people call the cannon
"Si Jagur" and many belive that in possesses certain mystical powers. Childess women go there to make offering of flowers, hoping to be blessed with children.

Jl. Taman Fatahillah No. 1 Central Jakarta Ph : 62-21 692 9101
Open : Tuesday - Sunday : 09.00 am - 03.00 pm

Closed : Monday / Public Holiday

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Goverment Tourism Office)"

Onrust Island

The Onrust Island and three other close island, namely the Kelor Island, Pulau Cipir (Kahyangan) and the Sakit Island (Bidadari) was part of the Thousand Islands group that was located in Jakarta gulf waters. After VOC Netherlands had the power in 1619, the Onrust Island and surrounding area ware made the foremost defence post to protect the Batavia city (Jakarta).

This Onrust Island fortification was destroyed during 1800 resulting from the english attack. Afterwards was built again in 1840 as the naval base, but was again destroyed during 1883 when the tidal wave resulting from the eruption of the Krakatau mountain happening these islands were neglected more than a quarter of the century. Just was built again in 1911, but his function and no longger as the place of the defence but as the pilgrim's quarantine. The existence of this history received quite big attention from the Special Capital Distric of Jakarta Goverment.