23 August, 2009

Al-Alam Mosque of Marunda

This mosque is located in Marunda, Cilincing, North Jakarta. It was built in early 17th century by the Mataram troops when they attack Batavia, and made Marundas their military base. This mosque was renovated as it is now with plain materials. The construction of the main pillars as they appear now, was developed work made in around 18th century. The architectural style of this mosque is a mixture of traditional Indonesian, Moor and European design with a square ground-plan divided into 4 (four) parts of rooms; main room, presenting room, mihrab (niche) and a stage. The main pillars functioning as support for the roof are four in number and there are another two pseudo pillars standing against the wall next to the mihrab and the stage.

At the lower parts of the main pillars, there is a square stand each. The pillars are of column types which capital on top. In general the columns serving as pillars are of European (colonial) style. The windows of the main room represent the same shape and size with thick frame with wooden trellis. Every window has five trellises with the same shape and size. The ventilation of the southern of the main room and the all of the mihrab are made of ceramics. The ventilation consist of two parts, each is of 20 x 20 cm with tulip motif.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"


Al-Anwar Mosque

This old “Al-Anwar” Mosque located at Jalan Tubagus Angke, Gang Mesjid No. 1, West Jakarta. It was built in 1761 in the former village of Moslem Balinese therefore at the mosque construction people can see the influence of Balinese architecture, like the curving parts of the roof. People can also notice the Arabian, Javanese, Chinese and European/ Dutch influence on the architectural design.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"


Luar Batang Mosque

This mosque is located in Luar Batang area, Penjaringan North Jakarta, built in 1739 by Sayid Husein Abubakar Alaydrus. Originally it was only “musholla” (a small building for performing religious duties) and a place for “pengajian”. Besides the mosque building, there is a holy resting place of the founder of the mosque who died on 29th Ramadhan 1169 H or 24th June 1756. Previously the grave was at the side of the musholla then due to the construction and extension of the mosque it laid inside the mosque of Luar Batang. The mosque has a basic square ground-plan, supported by pillars with roof that characterized an old building.

The mosque space had several times of extension, including the mihrab, a pulpit that moved a few meters from the original position. The main pillars that support the roof is still the original ones; the ceiling of the main room has its original design which had crosswise beams colored light green. The Kaputan Room is located in the north which had two doors in the front and two doors in the rear. On the above of the doors and windows there are glass windows that had checkered bars, like the ones found in the
Archive Building, Jalan Hayam Wuruk and the Chinese Temple at Jalan Lautze.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

Al-Azhar Mosque

The great mosque of Al-Azhar is located at Jalan Sisingamangaraja XII No. 12, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. This mosque was built in 1953-1958. The idea of construction this mosque was initiated by Buya Hamka and the funding came from the Moslems in Jakarta on their own. The design of this mosque is the mixture between the architecture design of Hija Mosque (Saudi Arabia) and Qibtiyah Mosque (Egypt). The presence of this mosque is very harmonious with the environment of Kebayoran Baru. It is the centre of Islamic proselytizing in Jakarta which was supported by great ulama like Buya Hamka. In this mosque anti communist power building was also conducted for destroying the PKI and its followers in 1965-1966.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

Istiqlal Mosque

Istiqlal Mosque is located at Jalan Pintu Air, Central Jakarta. The name “Istiqlal” means freedom, and built on top of Dutch’s fort ruins. The idea of this great mosque coming from KH. Wahid Hasyim, a Minister of Religious Affairs in Soekarno’s era. The architect of this project is Frederick Silaban and built on August 24, 1961. Because of “Gestapu” (Gerakan Tiga Puluh September or G30S PKI) and economic crisis, this mosque had not finished yet as wee see in the present time.

Then Soeharto, the president after Soekarno, took-over the development of this mosque. Finished at 1978, it became an icon of Indonesia and also proclaimed as the biggest mosque in South East Asia at that moment.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

Cikini Hospital

Cikini hospital was built in the 19th century and it was the residence of the well known painter Raden Saleh. The style of the building is a mixing between the Moor (Arab) and Gothic (European). The Moor architecture of the building is notable at the balustrade of the front part of the upper gallery, the perfect shape of the arch of main door and the other decorative arcades. The Gothic style, the element is strongly notable at the windows, shaping a sharp arch. Other elements like Portico (gallery supported by pillars and wall arcades) tend to be classical.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"

Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital

Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital is located at Jalan Diponegoro No. 71, Central Jakarta. The building was built in around 1919 until 1926 with European architectural design. At first, the name of the hospital was Central Burgerlijke Zieekenninriching and commonly known as CBZ. Now the hospital status is Central Public Hospital (RSUP/RSCM). The historical aspect of the hospital is the health concern from the colonial government especially towards the natives.

On the other side, this hospital also provided opportunities for the Indonesian to become health experts and gave chance to the growth of Indonesian educated people that finally supported the National Movement (Indonesian Independence). One of the experts was Dokter Cipto Mangunkusumo whose name was used as the name of the hospital.

"Jakarta HERITAGE book (Jakarta City Government Tourism Office)"